Whether Copyright protection is enough for Computer and Internet Related Inventions?
By: Munmun Singh, Fourth year student of B.A. LL.B. National Law University Delhi

The new technology has increased the importance of intellectual property. This new technology may be in the field of Patent, trade mark, Copyright etc. When we talk about copyright protection it comes in our mind that it is generally granted to original literary, musical, dramatic or artistic works. But the growth of new technology has given rise to new concepts like computer programs, computer database, computer layouts, various works on
web, etc.

So it is very necessary to know more about copyright with regard to computer programs/software, computer databases and various work in cyber space. Copyright is key issue in intellectual property rights in digital era.

This paper aims to show that the work related to computer can be protected under copyright law. While discussing the issue, this paper has been divided into three parts based on various types of computer related works i.e. computer program, computer software, computer databases and works on internet. Thus it is important to ask question, whether the Copyright laws give enough protection to the Copyright owners of computer databases, computer software/ program and internet?

This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I discusses about meaning, history of databases and how it is protected under copyright. Chapter II throws light upon software and computer program and its protection under different copyright law regimes. Chapter III discusses about internet and its protection. Chapter IV contains the observation of the researcher and concluding remarks.